Letting Go

A fresh start, that’s what they agreed upon after she found out about his extra marital affair. Every time he cheats on her, he showers her with more love and that was her clue. Finally, she told him that she is not going to put up with his treacheries, and he agreed with her; he gave her his word that he will put an end to the philanderings and will stay true to her.

Pic via Google
Pic via Google

And he is keeping his word; she knows that because there is no overflowing love, infact there is not even a drop of love which made her realize that by making him promise to stay true to her, she did wrong to both of them – an unhappy man and wife is all that remained as the by-product of that promise.

So she decided to set them both free, by letting him go and starting fresh, a much needed beginning for them!

Written based on the prompt – Fresh for Five Sentence Fiction.


I am a Write Tribe Pro-Blogger.

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