When everything fails!

PHOTO PROMPT – Copyright Ted Strutz



It was way past her bedtime but she wasn’t ready to sleep, instead she shook sleep off her sleepy eyes and continued to read.

She closed her eyes and thought about the dreams, she’s having. Eluding them isn’t easy, she knows. That’s why she is keeping herself awake to stay away from what appears to be flashbacks and bits and pieces from an old film, haunting her peaceful nights.

And as her eyes saw the spooky moments once again, she got on her feet deciding that she will share the dream with her shrink in the morning to tackle it for good.

Written based on the prompt – Bedtime for Five Sentence Fiction and the above photo prompt for Friday Fictioneers.

I am a Write Tribe Pro-Blogger.

16 thoughts on “When everything fails!

    1. I wasn’t sure how to write this one. Feels like my creative spot is going through a rough patch. 🙂 so glad for your encouraging words, Anita. Been sometime since I visited you, I guess. Will soon stop by. 🙂


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