It hurts!

I spilled few tears, I wiped them off,
I closed my eyes tight, and instruct the rest to stay put,
I felt tears swirling inside, I felt dizzy,
I smiled, and a numbness took over me!
Did the pain leave me?
I move on, I smile,
It hurts, pain never let you go,
It hurts, it sure hurts!

10 thoughts on “It hurts!

  1. I wonder what would have happened if (1) tears were spilled and/or (2) if smiling awhile longer might ease the pain? I’ve heard laughter does, so can smiling or healing through tears….what feel-good chemicals are released in the body for that to occur? πŸ˜‰ ❀


  2. It sure as hell hurts but it doesn’t show. It teaches, builds up, hurts, is always there for good or bad. Yes, it hurts πŸ™‚ Wonderfully weaved a lot in those lines Vinitha!


  3. Aah! It hurts for sure! But the pain should not cripple us, in fact it should give us some lessons and the strength to move on…

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