13 thoughts on “Class Room

  1. School in session – it’s something I have waited to hear from the past 1.5 weeks that my son has been home- due to the snow storm. School starts tomorrow – Yay!

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  2. If you don’t mind some kind criticism, this is not haiku. It’s free verse put into haiku form. I don’t want to hurt your feelings but know when I started to write haiku I did the very same thing. If other poets hadn’t guided me I would still be making this mistake. I suggest you read up on haiku again it’s not an easy form to get right especially when you consider it’s from Japan and started out in a different language then we are using to write it in. Each line should contain a whole idea not spill into the next line. I love your idea though!

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    1. Thank you for the feedback, Bekkie. I did feel that this one wasn’t up to the mark. Will definitely give my best in mastering the art of Haiku. Thanks a lot for reading and commenting. 🙂

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