Love #FiveSentenceFiction 1

He kept kicking her. Yet she waited for his kicks gathering strength.

She struggled to get on. But her love for him kept growing.

And then, one day at the end of a painful scream, she held him in her arms as she met her precious little kicker for the first time.

medievalI am starting off with a weekly series of Five Sentence Fiction every Tuesday here. The above story is written for the prompt LOVE. Feel free to join me with your Five Sentence Fiction using Love as prompt in the comments. I would love to read yours.

21 thoughts on “Love #FiveSentenceFiction 1

  1. At first I wasn’t sure what to expect as I thought some guy was being abusive. Glad it turned out to be so touching, Vinitha. Oh, how I remember those kicks! Usually right in the bladder! OOF! Nice piece and good use of the prompt. Not easy to do those short pieces.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome: “Yet she waited for his kicks with crippling strength.”

    I love the way you turned this story from one I thought was about an abusive relationship. But I guess kids do somewhat abuse their parents. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am happy to know that you liked my story, Carissa. Yes, kids have a way with their parents which we do enjoy though. 🙂 If you would like to join me with your give sentence fiction, please feel free to. I will be much honored. 🙂


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