Wordless Wednesday 46 #ThursdayTreeLove

WW 46

See my world through my eyes
And you will see the glimpse of the sun
Shining through the cracks
That you thought were my flaws.
And you will know why
I hold my imperfections
Never hidden, but in plain sight
Not just sometimes, but always!

Linking with Wordless Wednesday at The Sky Girl

Thursday TreeLove at happiness and food,

and Wednesday Verses at The Write World and I Rhyme Without Reason.

Signature (2)


31 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday 46 #ThursdayTreeLove

  1. What a mesmerising picture and even more mesmerising words to go with it Vinitha.

    “If a picture could speak a thousand words, and if a few words alongside could just take you to places unexplored within the soul,” that’s what this post did to me.

    Thank you so much for linking up with us on #WordlessWednesday. #immensegratitude

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How do you do it, Vini? Every time I read your poetry, I wonder how you come up with such beautiful, meaningful words that resonate with each of us!
    We all have imperfections, and it’s only the brave who show them off with such courage. The rest are all just being artificial, that’s what I feel! 🙂

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    1. Honestly Shilpa, I feel like I’m always repeating the same lines again and again.
      I totally agree with you – only a brave soul can show off those imperfections and those scars definitely make us unique and authentic. ❤️


  3. Very beautiful blend of form and content. The image is very evocative and I love how beautifully you wrote the verses! Knowing oneself they say, takes a lifetime and I’m glad you’re already so much into that journey already! I think it is very liberating to be there!

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