Twisted #FictionMonday

It was a beautiful morning. Lexi loved taking a stroll in her garden on such crisp mornings.

She spotted the new bloom of rose shyly sprouting in the garden next to her other cherished roses of different colors. This yellow rose was her latest accomplishment.

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“Hey, you!” she ran her fingers over the little bud gently. ” Nice of you to join us. Welcome to my world, Daniel. Meet your predecessors Jake, Matt, Davis and Shawn. Shawn was my first.”

The soil where the roses sprouted hid the bodies of her dates safely.

© Vinitha 2020

This Flash Fiction is written in response to the word prompt ‘STROLL’ hosted at Reflections by yours truly. Do join in if you have a tale to tell. 🙂

9 thoughts on “Twisted #FictionMonday

  1. My, my…what an ending! This reminds me of a short film I watched on Youtube recently called ‘Chutney.’ Do watch it if you haven’t and if you’re interested. I’m sure you’ll love it.


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