Harmony #ThursdayTreeLove

At Huntington Beach, California

“Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.”

― Kahlil Gebran

This was a beautiful poem indeed. Though my shot didn’t capture the vibrancy of the scene completely, I would like to share this picture. The gorgeous green canopy waving with the tunes of the breeze was a spectacular view. The blue sky and sea created a gorgeous backdrop.

© Vinitha Dileep

Joining Parul’s #ThursdayTreeLove

7 thoughts on “Harmony #ThursdayTreeLove

  1. I have forever loved that quote. The trees are also very gorgeous and seems like they have always been together. Thanks for joining, Vinitha. See you around on the 11th.


  2. The green canopy in the backdrop of clear skies and the Blue Sea is indeed a beautiful sight. Nature’s 5 tatwas seem to be in harmony here.


  3. The trees look so striking against the blue sky! Such a pretty sight.
    Looks like it’s from one of your recent trips, Vinitha.

    This post reminded me that I haven’t posted for #TTL in a long time. 🙂


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