Wordless Wednesday 50


Cracked, outside,

perhaps a little inside too.

each crack holds a story

perhaps deeper than it lets on.

Beyond the cracks,

rests the soul, unperturbed.

It’s time to seek the image

that lies underneath,

leave the scars alone,

keep the judgments aside now,

let the scars not disfigure us anymore.

Joining #WordlessWednesday hosted by Esha and Natasha this week. 
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13 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday 50

  1. I’ve started to believe that in some ways it’s our scars that add to the uniqueness of our journey. No, we should not seek pain, but when it comes accept it with grace, knowing all the while that beneath them lies the ‘gold’.


  2. The picture and the poem are so perfectly matched, Vinitha! So profound and yet so simple…yes, every crack tells a story! And our lives are an amalgam of all these big and small cracks that make us who we are. The cracks make us beautiful well-rounded individuals —scarred but not ugly; a bit broken, perhaps, but stronger than ever. Thank you so much for joining us for #ww this week, Vinitha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, indeed, scarred but not ugly. I keep circling back to the same thoughts and lines while writing – seems these have become my forever feelings. 🙂 Thank you for hosting Wordless Wednesday, Esha and always leaving thoughtful comments. 🙂


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