Unceremonious Separation #FictionMonday

Photo by Janko Ferlic on Pexels.com

The ash tree which stood majestically right outside Dana’s window showed signs of the impending change of season. In a few weeks, the tree would put on the prettiest shades of yellow and red, and soon will shed leaves revealing the branches in minimal covering.

She wondered if the tree felt somewhat shy in displaying its tentacles out in the open like that! Would it then crave for the company of leaves that blanketed the branches now, like she was craving for her favorite pals?

But then baring its soul is just a one season phenomenon for the tree. Unlike her, who was forced to coop inside her house since Spring brought new buds. The pandemic stopped her from visiting her favorite place, the library.

This new normal was stretching from season to season like the frigid limbs of a leafless tree extend with uncertainty as if it is frozen in time.

Dana’s heart ached to get back to the corridors of the library that held bookshelves carrying rows of books dear to her. She and her beloved companions would be separated for how many more seasons, who knew!

© Vinitha 2020

This Flash Fiction is written in response to the fourth edition of Fiction Monday – word prompt ‘SEASON’ and the above picture prompt – hosted at Reflections by yours truly. Do join in if you have a tale to tell. 🙂

Fiction Monday

11 thoughts on “Unceremonious Separation #FictionMonday

  1. Oh you have woven the pandemic and the loneliness it has bought, so beautifully in this story. Love the way the prompts are entangled in the core of the story- lovely work Vini


  2. So beautifully described, Vini!
    True, when will these days be over or how long will they extend? When will we be able to meet and spend time with our loved ones- be they people or books?


  3. Loved it, Vinitha! The prose is rich with imagery and so beautiful. Reading fiction after a long break and realising what was missing in my life for so long. 🙂

    I am trying to be braver than I usually am, and joining you girls, this week. Haha…
    Do wish me luck.

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