The Flaw In The Plan

Maya was skilled in making everything perfect. Each day unfolded flawlessly under her watchfulness; not even a whisper of wind was allowed to disrupt the serenity of her home.

Perfection, she believed, was an art achieved through constant awareness and unwavering alertness. Maya took pride in her meticulous attention to detail in designing and organizing her life.

Until, one fine day, a silent heart attack mercilessly claimed her life…

…shattering the illusion of perfection and invulnerability she had meticulously crafted.

© Vinitha Dileep

This five sentence fiction piece is written in response to the one hundred and eighty seventh edition of Fiction Monday inspired by the word prompt – ALERT hosted by yours truly. Do join in if you have a tale to tell.

Fiction Monday

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8 thoughts on “The Flaw In The Plan

  1. Perfection is our number enemy, that can ruin a perfectly imperfect life! The sad end of the story is a good reminder for each of us (especially me!) to enjoy the imperfections, embrace them and live a happier life, than hanker after perfection and bring stress to our souls.


  2. Perfection can really take a toll on one’s life. Your short story serves to be a good reminder to let the wind just blow in and enjoy the breeze/wind with a cup of tea even if it disrupts the scheme of things for a while. The end of the story leaves me with a question – Who is going to keep the house meticuluous when Maya is no more?


  3. What an irony! Sometimes we are so set in perfecting what lies in front of us that we forget that we are actually part of a bigger plan over which we have no control.


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