Unseen Battles #FictionMonday

Unseen battles rage,
inside the head,
words of shame and doubt,
torture relentlessly,
sharp and blunt,
hacking away,
again and again,
self-doubt urges you
to give up.

Yet each day,
you grow
a bit more courageous
than yesterday,
for the lessons

You persist
despite the constant nagging
of negativity.

Each morning,
you find new ways
to confront the battle, 
refusing to give in
to the negative voices.

Each night,
you emerge a winner,
facing the battle,
ready for the next day’s challenge,
allowing positivity
to grow and glow inside you.

© Vinitha Dileep

This poem is written in response to the  two hundredth and first edition of Fiction Monday inspired by the word prompt – BLUNT and the below photo prompt hosted by yours truly. Do join in if you have a tale to tell.

Photo by Recal Media on Pexels.com
Fiction Monday

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7 thoughts on “Unseen Battles #FictionMonday

  1. Another excellent write. We are resilient beings And I feel it is amazing that we can bounce back given how tricky life gets as we grow older.


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