Fiction Monday – 205

Welcome to the two hundredth and fifth edition of Fiction Monday.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” —Albert Einstein

Stories From Last Week

The dynamics of life by Suzana
You Don’t Understand by Vinitha

Fiction Monday

The idea is simple – to write. On Mondays, I will post the prompt here. There will be a word prompt and a picture prompt. You have one week to respond with your musing. You can choose to include both the prompts in your story or just one prompt – the choice is yours.

The expected word count is between 50 and 500. You are welcome to share poetry, non-fiction musings, or fictional pieces. The whole idea is to write, share, and encourage each other.

You have time till June 23rd, Sunday, 2024.

Don’t forget to add the link to your story in the comments below. I will share your creations here, along with the prompts for two hundredth and sixth edition on Monday the 24th of June.

Word Prompt – QUESTION

Photo Prompt –

Photo by Pixabay on

*If you use the picture prompt, please give proper credit to the picture in your post.

Fiction Monday

Check out my YouTube Channel here.

Share your thoughts, Please!