Fiction Monday – 187

Welcome to the one hundred and eighty seventh edition of Fiction Monday. “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” —Willie Nelson Stories From Last Week Reunion by AnamikaTiny Teachers by ShilpaA fiction thought by SuzanaBusy! by Vinitha Fiction Monday The idea is simple – to write. On Mondays, I will post … More Fiction Monday – 187

Fiction Monday – 186

Welcome to the one hundred and eighty sixth edition of Fiction Monday. “The things that make me different are the things that make me ME.” —Piglet (A A Milne) Stories From Last Week The failed escape by AnamikaThe first Christmas tree by Suzana Fiction Monday The idea is simple – to write. On Mondays, I will post … More Fiction Monday – 186

Fiction Monday – 185

Welcome to the one hundred and eighty fifth edition of Fiction Monday. “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” —Edith Wharton Stories From Last Week You and your perfect photograph by AnamikaThoughts about meanders by SuzanaBeyond The Frame by Vinitha Fiction Monday The idea is simple – to … More Fiction Monday – 185

Fiction Monday – 184

Welcome to the one hundred and eighty fourth edition of Fiction Monday. “We do not remember days, we remember moments.” —Cesare Pavese Stories From Last Week That night at the metro station by AnamikaAll the locks have keys by SuzanaUnlocked by VinithaMischief-maker by Shilpa Fiction Monday The idea is simple – to write. On Mondays, I will post … More Fiction Monday – 184