Today I will..

Today I will not
tell you about a broken heart
gone sore!

Today I will not
hide my tears,


Today, I will let them talk to you,

Today I will not
stop, under the pretense of hope,

Today, I will let you see through it!

nor will I cover my insecurities,

Today, I will let them loose!

But today, instead of judging me,
my tears,
my fears,

Can you be kind to me,
for your sake,
for my sake,

For the first time,
just for today,
and, for one last time!

Linking with 100 Words On Saturday prompt – Today I will hosted at Write Tribe 100words on Saturday

and Wordy Wednesday phrase prompt – One last time by Roshan Radhakrishnan hosted at B A R.


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20 thoughts on “Today I will..

  1. Beautifully expressed. Hiding the sore heart and the tears is easy and we say we are being optimistic and this is just one day. Next day and all will be fine. On the contrary, revealing your vulnerable side, expressing the anger within may be designated as negativity, even venom but becomes necessary at times and vouching for it I can say it needs a lot of courage to get there.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! Awesome. Every expression that I write here – I am feeling I have written it before. There is pain, truth and honesty in that. And such great linking of all the prompts at one go. You rock!


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