Rants of a stifled tear! #FiveSentenceFiction 7

She will object, but she did invite me in. No one ever looks out for me, yet I am there for her, always.

She doesn’t want me now, though, I’m the lone witness of her suffering, her companion when the world turns its back on her. Nevertheless, she tries to get rid of me.

I wonder if it is her suffocated sniffles or my own strangled whimpers that will finally be heard!


I am starting off with a weekly series of Five Sentence Fiction every Tuesday here. The above story is written for the prompt WITNESS. Feel free to join me with your Five Sentence Fiction using Witness as prompt in the comments. I would love to read yours

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29 thoughts on “Rants of a stifled tear! #FiveSentenceFiction 7

  1. A very interesting take on the prompt, Vinitha! They are sometimes the sole witness to our suffering. How true! I love these five sentence fictions. Been so long that I attempted fiction.


    1. You made my day, Sid. I’m gonna frame this comment. 😄
      Yes, tears are the silent companions, invisible hand holder when we are upset. Yet we always wipe them away.
      Thanks, Sid!


  2. Seems very unfair that one friend is so loyal and the other is not. Thought provoking. Reminds me of relationships I’ve been in that were one sided with me doing all the giving and the other person taking advantage. I like the descriptive last sentence with the suffocated sniffles and strangled whimpers.

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