I Am #FictionMonday #Poem

I don’t wish to erase the pages written already
isn’t that foolish?

I can hide the flaws by erasing and starting all over again
but would that make me any wiser?

the smudges and mistakes show me how far I have come
isn’t that precious?

this book of life might look untidy and disorganized
but it’s beyond its appearance, you see.

every mistake is followed by corrections that cleared my path ahead

every tear is followed by smiles that stitched together the broken me

every unwritten page is followed by memories and dreams that propelled me forward

I’m not afraid to admit my mistakes,
and mistakes, I made a ton

yet, I see myself as a whole,
not a pile of broken pieces,
not a collection of success or failures,

not just this or that,

I am a part of the universe that makes it whole,
and sometimes, I am my universe
refusing to hide
resurfacing unapologetically.

© Vinitha Dileep

*Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

This poetry piece is written in response to the one hundred and fifty fifth edition of Fiction Monday inspired by the word prompt – ERASE hosted at Reflections by yours truly. Do join in if you have a tale to tell.

Check out my YouTube Channel here.

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