Things That Made Me Smile This Month #MundaneMonday

The last day of April warrants a post about the things that made me happy this month, doesn’t it?

April was kind to me in general. I was feeling a bit low at the beginning of the month. It was my dad’s 13th death anniversary on April 3rd, and I felt his absence terribly heavy.

We were unwell during the second week of April. The cough was horrible and refused to leave us alone. My younger one was at the mercy of that cough since March. Thankfully, somewhere in the third week of April, the cough started to subside.

On April 14th, our festival Vishu, we celebrated the day with our neighbors with a Kerala Sadya (feast). It was a happy day. Here are some glimpses from that day.

We also visited a friend’s house and had a wonderful time with them one Saturday. Getting together with friends was a major theme of April.

In another happy note my Partner Program earnings for April on Medium have finally reached three digits. That was an incredible moment for me. Writing consistently on Medium has finally paid off.

I’ve been on a reading spree this year. Although I decided to keep track of the books and aimed to write a short review of the books I read, everything took a backseat, as apparently when I read, I get sucked into reading and forget to write a review.

Well, I even forget to note down the title of the book I am reading often. I am actively working on fixing that problem via a reading tracker I created in the GoodNotes app on my iPad. April saw me reading five books in total, two of which I am yet to finish reading. Currently, I am enjoying The Lonely Hearts Bookclub by Lucy Gilmore.

April was one of the busiest months so far in 2024. It was good to make time for everything that made me smile. There were a few things that were not smile-worthy, but as I don’t remember those miseries at this moment, I am taking the joy that April was with me.

So, how was your April?

© Vinitha Dileep

Check out my YouTube Channel here.

4 thoughts on “Things That Made Me Smile This Month #MundaneMonday

  1. Enjoyed this update from you and seeing you looking so pretty in a Kasavu made me happy!

    Hope all of you keep better health in May.

    Congratulations on the Medium pay off – am so happy for you. Hugs!


  2. Those coughs can be so persistent right. We too went through a bout few months ago. Hopefully this winter will be kind.

    Congratulations on your success in medium. Your consistency paid off. 😄

    The Visu celebrations look beautiful. We too celebrated Bihu with our family. Kinda makes me miss home.

    Wish you good Health. Keep writing.


  3. The good old you looks great 🙂 Congratulations for reaching the 3 figure mark earninng from writing on medium. I marvel how you have kept yourself motivated and have been consistent in writing over the past years when nearly everyone had given up on writing/blogging. I see your new posts every now and then on medium. I read all of them though I haven’t been commenting on them. I love to read others’ comments on your medium posts. I find them heartwarming.

    Kudos to you for reading 5 books in April despite the sickness prevailing at home. I am sure April had something about it. It was hard for most people I know in some way or the other. You know how disruptive it got for me during the 3rd week. As for May, it is going to be a glorious month where all of us are going to march forward happily. Here’s wishing you a fulfilling May.


  4. It’s so good to read about all the wonderful things that brought a smile to your face, Vinitha! I am glad Akku is feeling better now. You look great in the saree pic 🙂 And congratulations for the super news about your Partner Programs! Way to go, Vinitha! Keep it up. May May bring many more smiles and happy moments to your world. 🙂


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