One Too Many – Day 1 #Barathon


Oft bitter failures 
give one too many reasons
to chase sweet success!

Too many obstacles not to pursue further,

Discouraging rationale without failure,

How long can one succumb to defeat!

It’s not time to yield and depart!

Not when success allures from distance!

What if perseverance pays off at last!

Another attempt deserves a try,

Perhaps, the best shot waiting to be freed!

Reflection And Revelation (2)

Joining Day 1 of Barathon presented by Blog-a-rhythm with a mix of haiku and poem combining the prompt – one too many and the theme – run/chase/marathon/sprint/dash.


Signature (2)



19 thoughts on “One Too Many – Day 1 #Barathon

  1. Very beautiful and so inspiring, Vinitha! I can see why we give up so easily when bitter failures stare at us. So true for most of us, I guess. Thanks for the gentle nudge to not give up. I so needed this today. ❤


  2. You are so good at expressing your thoughts through poetry, Vini! I know I am repeating this statement, but, it’s a fact.
    How true…why stop from trying one more time…for all you know, success lies just round the corner!


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