A Flower #WordlessWednesday 89

A flower - beautiful
pure - 
four seasons is all it took!

Joining Esha & Natasha for #WordlessWednesday & Parul for #ThursdayTreeLove.

Wordless Wednesday

8 thoughts on “A Flower #WordlessWednesday 89

  1. The lantanas come in such stunning colors. These are wildflowers and are sold in nurseries at a cost …..

    Everyone gets a chance to bloom and shine —- when the time is theirs, when the time is right!


  2. Yes, four seasons all it took…even flowers have to work so hard to bloom. So why is it that we give up so easily? Love all the lovely lessons nature imparts us with.

    Thanks Vinitha for this post.


  3. The bunch of small purple flowers huddled together makes it look like a bouquet.
    You can blame my honesty but I have to say I failed to get the meaning of the verse. It may have to do something with my daftness with poetry, though.


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