Bridge #FictionMonday

I tried to reset my mind in vain. Thoughts stormed off through my mind leaving behind all sorts of unpleasant feelings.

“Deep breath in.” I instructed my chaotic mind.

I am breathing barely enough to keep myself alive. Deep breaths feel like a luxury at this time. My mind snapped back at me.

Feeling defeated I picked the journal and wrote, “I am enough.”

How many lies would I keep telling to myself in a day! Grappling with unsettling feelings, I leaned back on the sofa and closed my eyes.

Tears pooled around the corner of my eyes as a declaration of the last stage of defeat.

“Surrender!” whispered my mind. A deluge of tears followed as I sat still embracing that moment of defeat, surrendering to my mind’s will.

How long I sat like that I didn’t know. As I sat up straight slowly opening my eyes everything cleared. My eyes were not puffy from crying. My heart felt lighter. My mind felt calmer. Every thought that weighed me down left with the tears.

Tears are not a sign of weakness. But a sign of letting go off the pain that we stubbornly carry inside. Letting the tears out will create a one way bridge from that pain. I felt free after a very long time.

© Vinitha Dileep

This flash fiction piece is written in response to the one hundred and forty third edition of Fiction Monday inspired by the word prompt – BRIDGE hosted at Reflections by yours truly. Do join in if you have a tale to tell.

Check out my YouTube Channel here.

3 thoughts on “Bridge #FictionMonday

  1. Tears! We are lucky we have these means to let out pent-up frustrations and sorrows and let go of things that burden us and hold us down.
    Beautifully expressed, Vinitha!


  2. Beautiful reminders that sometimes all we need to do is to let go of all that is bottling up inside us and cry our hearts out. You brought out the pain and the angst so well, Vinitha. I completely agree that tears are not a sign of weakness at all…in fact, they are necessary for us to become that bridge that will lead us out of the pain that stifles. Read your flash fiction after a long time and totally loved it.


  3. ‘Tears are not a sign of weakness,’ is so true. Tears have the power to drain one out of all hurt and pain and begin afresh. I liked the way you used the word ‘bridge’ in the post. It is a learning for a naive-at-fiction-writing person like me.


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