Things That Made Me Smile This Month #MundaneMonday

The last day of April warrants a post about the things that made me happy this month, doesn’t it? April was kind to me in general. I was feeling a bit low at the beginning of the month. It was my dad’s 13th death anniversary on April 3rd, and I felt his absence terribly heavy. … More Things That Made Me Smile This Month #MundaneMonday

Fiction Monday – 198

Welcome to the one hundred and ninety eighth edition of Fiction Monday. “You can’t turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.” — Bonnie Prudden Stories From Last Week A closed loop by SuzanaKeep Moving Forward by Vinitha Fiction Monday The idea is simple – to write. On Mondays, I will post the prompt here. … More Fiction Monday – 198

Fiction Monday – 196

Welcome to the one hundred and ninety sixth edition of Fiction Monday. “Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best..” — Henry van Dyke Stories From Last Week It’s A Journey by Vinitha Fiction Monday The idea is simple – to write. On Mondays, I … More Fiction Monday – 196

It’s A Journey #FictionMonday #poem

It’s a journey, taming the inner critic, unlocking creative energy, when self-doubt doesn’t need a special potion to wield its power over creativity. It’s easier to accept defeat, to discard the fragments of musings as worthless. Yet, it’s quite a journey to fend off doubts and let creative energy flow. A superpower, indeed, to persist, … More It’s A Journey #FictionMonday #poem

Fiction Monday – 194

Welcome to the one hundred and ninety fourth edition of Fiction Monday. “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” — Alice Walker Stories From Last Week Rediscovered ideas by Suzana Fiction Monday The idea is simple – to write. On Mondays, I will post the prompt here. There … More Fiction Monday – 194